Saturday, August 31, 2019

Encs 282 Assignment Sheet: Rhetorical Analysis

ENCS 282 Assignment Sheet: Rhetorical Analysis The purpose of this assignment is to pick a particular rhetorical message (that is, a message that attempts to persuade you to do or to believe something) and analyze the content of that message to determine the purpose, intended audience, argument, persuasive strategies, and modes of appeal that the message employs. In order to do this, I will assign you an image/video (I call it an artifact) from science/engineering – students in Jordan’s tutorials will have to analyse this image: ttp://www. geek. com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/intel_ad_campaign_rock_stars. jpg Students in Nancy’s tutorials will analyse this commercial: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=wGSHKNacB6Q Both images/videos are attempting to persuade a particular audience. Your goal will be to understand the basic structure of an attempt at persuasion in order to see how persuasion works. Your assignment will be due on the 26th of March 2013. Please adher e to the following guidelines: ) Examine/watch your artifact carefully, and identify the main claim being made. 2) Begin your paper with an introductory paragraph which overviews the main strategies of persuasion that the artifact employs. 3) Next, you will be required to write a Toulmin’s model of warranted assent diagram to explain the attempts to persuade the reader. This includes a demonstration of the major claims made in the artifact and the warrant for those claims, as well as the implied justification of the artifact’s claims.This section should be at least two paragraphs and at most four paragraphs long. 4) Next identify the intended audience for the image/video and analyze whether or not the ways in which the argument that the media makes is uniquely fit for that particular audience. This section should be at least two paragraphs long. You should write about the article’s language, tone, and style, and how these features help define the audience. 5) Th en, you will critique each of the artifact’s justifications.This section should also be at least two paragraphs long. Why shouldn’t we agree with this claim? Is the justification offered a good one? What can the essay do better to be more persuasive? 6) Finally, craft a conclusion that reviews both your explanations of the justifications of the media’s position and your critique of those justifications. 7) Each rhetorical analysis paper should be between 3 and 5 pages long. The papers should be double-spaced and use Times New Roman font and 1† margins.

How Society Views Mental Health Changed over Time

School of Health and Social Care Psychology of Health and Illness unit Observational record template What happened Initial thoughts Whilst at work I saw the nurse take bloods from a patient which was a monthly routine for the patient it has always gone ok and the patient has been fine with having her bloods taken before. The nurse told the patient it wouldn’t hurt at all. Something happened whereby the nurse couldn’t get the blood and had to re-attempt the procedure.The patient also experienced some pain during this procedure which she wasn’t expecting, the patient found this a quite traumatic experience The patient was elderly and appeared confused. The patient became anxious and next time a blood test was due became increasingly worried and reluctant to have the procedure. She appeared frightened of the needle What happened My initial thought was why did the procedure not go to plan and why did the patient react in the way she did.The previous procedure was fin e and she knew what it involved she had her arm out ready for her bloods to be taken, she thought it wouldn’t hurt because it has always gone ok for her with minimal distress and pain so she wouldn’t be expecting that experience. Now the behaviour has changed and gets distressed when she sees the nurse with the needle. Another thought would be is she afraid of the nurse or the needle. Does the patient feel under pressure now to have her bloods taken. Initial thoughts One of my family members called may has lost both of her sons in the same year a few years ago they were both identical twins.This caused her to feel very low and had become depressed whilst grieving for her sons. Her husband has recently become disabled and is unable to cope alone at home. It is coming up to the twins birthday and she is feeling low she said to myself that she doesn’t think she can be happy and she always has bad luck. The other day she forgot she was cooking and burnt her food and also has forgot she is suppose to be at work . She has lost a lot of weight since she has been at home more helping her husband. She has been a light smoker most of her life but is not smoking a lot more.May is not the lady’s real name it is used for confidentiality reasons. My first thoughts is that the patient could be stressed after the life events that have occurred There are the daily pressures of work and general life with her still grieving for her sons, then on top her husband is recently disabled. The build up can be the stressor she could suffer with burnout if she is stressed for too long which could also lead back to depression. She is blaming external forces her saying that she always has had bad luck.Her feelings and thoughts in the mind is with her forgetting things, is this because she has other things on her mind due to pressure and replacing her long term memory with new memories. Not many of her needs have been met to achieve a sense of wellbeing. Another thought is how would she cope with the situation in hand which way would she go, good or bad meaning action response or palliative coping. If the patient is controlled by others or feels disempowered then they could become increasingly helpless whereby they completely rely on others and depend on them to make decisions for them this could also Increase stress.This essay will provide a definition of the term psychology and look at a brief history of how psychology originated. It will discuss psychological theorists and look at how their studies influenced how we view psychological concepts today. The essay will relate how psychological studies and theories can inform nursing care. It will outline a selection of psychological approaches such as the biological, humanistic and psychodynamic. It will discuss in further detail and focus upon the behaviourist and cognitive approaches. It will then go on to explore how the observations A and B can be explained within psychological theory.Ob servation A will apply the behaviourist approach to the situation and try to explore how this theory relates to the observation. It will discuss how a routine procedure could impact upon a person and their behaviours. Observation B will utilise the cognitive approach and apply this to the experiences of a person experiencing stressful life challenges it will explore key issues such as coping and information processing. The concept of Psychology originated from philosophy and biology which are two factors used in psychology today (Eysenck 2009).Psychology represents ‘study of the mind’ (Gross 2005). Psychology is a type of science which studies the behaviour of humans and animals, psychology tries to understand why people behave in certain ways taking into consideration their thoughts and feelings (Eysenck 2009). The term psychology was founded from the Greek word, psyche which means mind, soul or spirit combined with the Latin word logos which means’ the study of ’ (Gross 2005). Psychology dates back to ancient civilizations who were interested in workings of the the mind and behaviours (Payne and Walker 2003).Wilhelm Wundt opened the first psychological laboratory in 1879 (Glassman 2008). Wundt and his co workers studied the structures that make up the mind, he was the first theorist to use psychology as a self conscious experiment studying perceptions and conscious awareness (Gross 2005). Psychology is relevant to nurses and health care professionals because both nurses and psychologists seek to understand the range of needs of an individual (Barker 2007). They also look at ways of adapting behaviours to make it possible for the individual to achieve a sense of well being. Barker 2007). According to the NMC (2008) nursing focuses on the individual as a whole taking in their physical, psychological, social or cultural needs rather than a specific aspect of an individual. Psychology gives nurses an insight into human behaviour and can inform them when providing care for people (Payne and Walker 2003). There are certain psychological based therapies in place such as person centred counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy to help people deal with anxiety and depression (Gross 2005).The biological approach assumes that our individual behaviour and experiences happen because of the activity in the nervous system (Glassman and Hadad 2004). Our central nervous system (CNS) is made up of neurons which are billions of nerve endings within the body (Glassman and Hadad 2004). According to this approach it is believed that a person’s thoughts feelings and actions are caused by the CNS (Livingstone 2009). Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was the first to suggest that we should view behaviour from a biological perspective. He saw the importance of children resembling their arents and the variations in humans and how individuals inherit genes as a cause of evolution (Eysenck 2009). The humanistic approach concentrates o n a person’s individual perceptions and understanding of their own actions (Payne and Walker 2003). Individuals have their own free will to choose how they act in situations(Gross 2005). Carl Rogers explored the theory of self concept (Gross 2005). He believed individuals are at their happiest when they have a positive regard of themselves, to achieve this status they must have an unconditional positive regard from other individuals (Payne and Walker 2003).If the individual does not have this they will not achieve a sense of worth. Abraham Maslow suggested the person centred theory of the hierarchy of needs ( 1943 cited Barker 2007). This suggests individuals have a responsibility to themselves to reach self actualization (Barker 2007). This theory is popular in the health profession because it looks at a person as a whole (Eysenck 2009). The psychodynamic approach suggests behaviour forms from our unconscious mind (Glassman and Hadad 2004). The forces in a person’s pe rsonality motivate different types of behaviour for example the unconscious and subconscious (Glassman and Hadad 2004).Sigmund Freud influenced the psychodynamic approach through his psychoanalytic theory of personality (WJEC 2009). Behaviour can be influenced by three parts of the mind; Id, Ego and Superego (Gross 2005). Id is an impulsive part of an individual’s personality, the Id influences basic biological drives such as eating and drinking (Glassman and Hadad 2004) . The aim of Id is to get what you need at any cost to maintain basic survival needs (WJEC 2009). The Ego is where individuals become rational, the ego balances the needs of the Id and Superego.The superego understands right from wrong, it rationalises behaviour that is learnt by parents and other surrounding influences (WJEC 2009). The ego will protect itself from unwanted thoughts for example painful memories can be pushed into the unconscious mind which can then be forgotten (Glassman and Hadad 2004). It i s suggested behaviour is influenced by childhood experiences, while in the stage of childhood the ego is not developed enough to deal with a life event such as a traumatic experience (WJEC 2009).The behaviourist approach assumes the way we behave is the result of an experience, the approach looks at the environmental stimuli which could be an experience and how this influences the way in which someone learns (Glassman and Hadad 2004). Watson researched ways in which this theory could be measured and observed (Glassman and Hadad 2004). One of his studies was the ‘Little Albert’ whereby he thought children have three basic emotional reactions fear, rage, and love. He wanted to prove these three reactions could be conditioned in children.Watson used Albert to test his theory, He repeatedly presented Albert a rat in combination with a sudden, loud noise to classically condition fear (Gross 2005). ). Ivan Pavlov researched classical conditioning, while looking at the salivat ion of dogs he noticed what he called psychic salivation (Gross 2005). This is where a dog would salivate before it was given food (Gross 2005). Pavlov founded a basis for what we now call classical conditioning (Glassman and Hadad 2004). The theorist Skinner researched operant conditioning, one of his studies was a ‘skinner box’.A rat or pigeon would be studied doing certain tasks for example pushing a lever in the box for a reward thus becoming conditioned (Gross 2005). There are two forms of conditioning; classical and operant. Within classical conditioning an unconditioned response (UR) is when a response is not conditioned (Eysenck 2009). A neutral stimulus (NS) is the object which causes the UR (Gross 2005). The conditioned stimuli (CS) is an object which is associated with the NS pairing these two together after a number of attempts will soon create a conditioned response (CR) which would be classical conditioning (Eysenck 2009).If the CS is used by its self for a while the response will become extinct, after extinction it is possible to introduce the NS again and this creates spontaneous recovery (Eysenck 2009). In operant conditioning there are positive reinforces which are things given to strengthen the behaviour for example the rats used in the skinner box were given food every time they pushed the button (Gross 2005). A negative reinforce is something which is taken away to increase a behaviour (Glassman and Hadad 2004).Punishment is a form of a negative reinforce this could be something like a slap on the wrists for a child showing naughty behaviour this may result in a decrease of the response (Glassman and Hadad 2004) This essay will discuss how the behaviourist approach can be applied to observation A and how conditioning applies. Within classical conditioning the neutral stimulus and unconditional stimulus needs to be paired multiple times to achieve the conditioned response. If the patient in the observation viewed the pain as a traumatic experience then the neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus ill only need to be paired once to get the conditioned response. Before learning the neutral stimulus would be the needle and the unconditioned response would be the patient in distress. The unconditioned stimulus would be the pain so during the observation, the needle is the neutral stimulus which before would give the patient no response. Then during the procedure the neutral stimulus (needle) gives the patient an unpleasant pain which is the unconditioned response. The next time the patient’s routine bloods were due when she saw the needle which is the conditioned stimulus it gave the patient distress which is the conditioned response.Applying the approach to the observation the patient appears to have been classically conditioned. This is because before the observation when the patient had the procedure they appeared fine. During the observation the patient appeared to experience pain which lead her to become distressed because of the discomfort. After the conditioning when the nurse came in the room the patient associated the procedure with the pain so was scared to have the procedure, she is showing signs of fear when associating needle and pain.Although the needle could be viewed as a NS the nurse also could be, because in the patients mind the nurse gave her the pain. Other factors could also incorporate conditioning such as the environment for example if the patient was hot and uncomfortable can also be a trigger for becoming distressed. The cognitive approach looks at the role of the thought processes within the mind such as memory and information processing (Payne and Walker 2003). Cognitive psychologists are interested with brain thoughts that guide and cause different behaviour (Gross 2005).Until the 1990’s the cognitive approach only assumed how information was stored in the brain (Glassman and Hadad 2004). More enhanced technology including brain imaging tech niques which helped psychologists and neuroscientists to map out brain function in coalition with behaviour (Payne and Walker 2003). Studies have shown that the relationships between thinking and languages can influence the way we think (Payne and Walker 2003). The information processing model has broadened our understanding of memory and problem solving (Glassman and Hadad 2004).Cognitive psychologists see the human mind as an information processor; we take the information from an environment and interpret in our own way to produce behaviour (Glassman and Hadad 2004). The response model of stress defines stress as the reactions of the person by the demands (Gross 2005). Stress can fall under 3 categories stress can be a stimulus, response or an interaction between an individual and its environment (Gross 2005). The categories of stress can correspond to the three models of stress (Cox 1978 cited in Gross 2005).Holmes and Rahe (1967 cited Eysenck 2009) developed the social readjustm ent rating scale (SRRS) to assess life events. They suggested that if a person has had many life events they are likely to be stressed (Gross 2005). Rotter (1966 cited Gross 2005) found that life events are more stressful if their locus of control was external. An external locus of control means that their behaviour is guided by fate, luck or other external circumstances such as other people (Barker 2007). According to Martin Seligman (1967 cited in Gross 2005), learned helplessness can happen when individuals have no control over their life or situation.They begin to think they are helpless, people who have learned helplessness appear to miss the opportunities to help change their situation (Gross 2005). Walter Canon (1932) suggested the principle of the fight or flight response, fight or flight means we prepare ourselves for attack harm or threat, when an individual is stressed the body reacts to make the fight or flight response (Gross 2005). According to Gross (2005) Hans Selye (1956) further developed this to create the general adaptation syndrome (GAS).GAS stands for the body’s way of defending against stress, individuals will act in response to any stressor in the same way within the body (Gross 2005). According to Gross (2005) coping means dealing with a situation to act and overcome a situation. Cohen and Lazarus (1979) classified different ways in which individuals cope (Eysenck 2009). Direct coping is when a person deals with the situation by changing, or removing the stressor. The individual looks at the situation to understand it, then if a similar stressor arises the individual can deal with it (Gross 2005).Emotion focused coping looks at trying to take away the off putting emotion to make the individual feel better for example ignoring the stress and doing something that makes the individual feel good (Gross 2005). Palliative coping is when the individuals turn to relief which is short term they will change the internal environment for ex ample alcohol (Gross2005). When applying the cognitive approach to observation B, May appears to be stressed. The information processing model has taken the information from the stimulus which is May’s ife events which and interpreted it into stress (Glassman and Hadad 2004). This applies to the information processing model because she is taking information from the environment and situation to interpret it in her own way formulating negative thoughts and behaviours (Gross 2005). She is responding to the events that have occurred in her life, for example her sons dying and her husband becoming recently disabled, she has had to try and balance her daily life demands and incorporate caring for her husband at the same time.When there is an imbalance it is likely stress can occur, this applies to May. According to the SRRS May has had many major life events which can cause her a high level of stress and she had already suffered with depression which is proved to be significant on the scale (Eysenck 2009). May’s locus of control is external, this is because according to May she does not think she will ever be happy again, and she has bad luck her emotions are low so her helplessness can result in stress (Barker 2007).May also maybe stressed due to the fight or flight response, this is because she is perceiving her life experiences and current situation as a threat (Gross 2005). May has not yet seen any opportunity to help herself from this stress she has not yet looked at a way of removing the stress if she stays in this situation she may have learned helplessness (Gross 2005). Applying to Mays way of coping, she appears to be palliative coping, this is because she has turned to short term relief such as smoking which is changing her internal environment (Gross 2005).In conclusion this essay has given a definition of psychology, It has understood why psychology is relevant to the nursing profession. The essay has given an overview of the biological ap proach which assumes that person’s behaviour happens because of the CNS. It has also given an overview of the humanistic approach which explains a person has their own perceptions and understanding of their actions, the approach is more relevant to nursing because it takes into consideration the whole aspects of a person to help achieve self actualisation.The essay has given an overview of the psychodynamic approach which suggests that behaviour forms from our unconscious mind. It has given an explanation of the behaviourist approach explaining classical and operant conditioning. Then given an overview of how this approach has applied to observation A, using classical conditioning. Finally this essay has explained the cognitive approach relating it to the model of stress & coping and explained how observation B can be demonstrated within the cognitive approach. References Barker. S. , 2007.Vital notes for nurses: Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell publishing. Glassman. W and Hadad . M. , 2004. Approaches to psychology. 4th edition. Buckingham: open university press. Gross. R. , 2005. Psychology the Science of Mind and Behaviour. 5th edition. London: Green Gate. Livingstone. C. , 2009. Psychology and sociology applied to medicine. 3rd edition. London: Harcourt publishers. Nursing and Midwifery council. , 2008. The code. UK: nursing midwifery council. Available from: http://www. nmc-uk. org/Documents/Standards/The-code-A4-20100406. df [accessed 14/02/12] Payne. S. and Walker. J. , 2003. Psychology for nurses and the caring professionals. Berkshire: Open university press. Royal College of Nursing. , 2003. P. 3, Defining Nursing. London: The Royal College of Nursing. Available from: http://www. rcn. org. uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/78569/001998. pdf [accessed 14/02/12] WJEC. , 2009. Psychology AS. Dublin: Folens publishers. available from: http://onlineclassroom. tv/files/posts/the_psychodynamic_approach_free_chapter/document00/WJEC_AS_Ch_03. pdf [accessed 9/0 2/12]

Friday, August 30, 2019

Research Paper About Computer Addiction Essay

A.Background of the study It is known that we are living in technological era. The computers became irreplaceable tool in everyday life of almost each person. The adult users generally use it for business purposes while youngsters for computer games. Computers became that part of our life and every important component in the spheres of the life leisure. And nowadays majority of young people spend their leisure time playing computer games, surfing through the internet. Computer have become one of the favorite time-spending of young people in all ages, and even some adults and the students. With permanent development of computer technology the quality of people using computer either for working purposes or entertainment purposes is increasing speedily. There are many things that causes addiction to computer, one reason being, is that most of the students just need something to occupy their time and these games and browsing internet do that for countless hours. Some students use computer to escape their reality which can include school, work and possibly personal problems. Computer also represents students to challenges they can overcome so they can feel a sense of accomplishments in virtual world, mistakes can be undone and time can review itself with the push of a few buttons. B.Statement of the problem This study sought to evaluate the different factor that causes STI College Taft Students addiction to computer games. The researcher prepared some of the following questions: 1.What factors that students addicted to computers? 2.What are the signs that would let us know if a student is addicted or not? 3.How computer affect students vices in their everyday lives? C.Significance of the study This Study will enlighten the students of STI College Taft, about the causes, disorders, and negative affects that they can get through computers. Also these studies would like to encourage them to seek immediate way to prevent  computer addictions. D.Scope and Delimitation of the study These studies focused in computer addiction. How computer affect our co-students in STI College Taft in different factors, such as in their studies, personal problem, emotional, physical and mental, time, financial and social. We researched also the reason why they are involved in this problem. We also study the symptoms and effect of computer addictions. We emphasize some of alternative solution in this problem. We limit this study by given information in computer addiction, until we came up in the effects and at last we give our recommendations to help our student to solve their dilemma about computer addiction.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

SUMMARY FOR ARTICLE Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SUMMARY FOR - Article Example In addition, cyberspace was proffered to contain a range of psychological effects, to wit: for simulation of conflict resolution strategies; to work through personal issues to identify an appropriate personal identity; and to engage in adolescent moratorium through intense interactions with both ideas and people. These effects are made possible through the accessibility of unlimited time, space, environment and windows accorded by cyberspace. Turkle made one realize that â€Å"on the internet, one can be many, and one usually is† (Turkle, 528). Finally, the notions of identity and multiplicity were distinguished as a productive repercussion of cyberspace. Through cycling through, the model of multiplicity was enhanced and actually encouraged as a â€Å"state of easy traffic across selves† (Turkle, 530). The medium of cyberspace paved the way for self-expression through various identities where all exist in roles and inner perceptions of an individual. It ultimately changed the concept and orientation of culture from a psychoanalytic nature to a computer-based perspective. Turkle finally concluded that â€Å"it is time to rethink our relationship to the computer culture and psychoanalytic culture as proudly held joint citizenship† (Turkle, 531). Indeed, onlife life has a profound effect and impact one’s perception and expression of personal

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art - Essay Example The spaces do not look constricted or wide. The spaces are arranged in a manner that makes the fishes look as though they are passing by the viewer. The lines are sharp, well-defined, thin, angular, and curved. The texture looks natural and real, reinforced by the colors and specks of light. The image has a combination of asymmetrical balance and radial balance. Asymmetrical because when you look at the image there is a sense of greater weight at the left side but then the central object, which is the biggest fish wearing a rhino mask, sustains the balance, creating a radial balance. The emphasis is on the central object. It dominates the image by being darker, heavier, and spacious than the other objects—the other fishes. Ultimately, there is a great sense of unity because all the principles and elements perfectly complement one another to express the general message: help save the Bluefin tuna. The advertisement is made by UNICEF to raise awareness about Bluefin tuna, a species that is threatened by extinction. This advertisement is intended for particular groups of audiences, namely, those who are not aware of the issue and those who have the capacity to contribute to the cause. The embedded text, saying â€Å"Would you care more if I was a Rhino†, suggests the lack of people’s awareness about Bluefin tuna. Well, we all know what tuna is. But most of us are not aware that there is a particular species of tuna that is endangered. The text certainly targets the emotion of the audiences by suggesting that these animals have been ignored for so long to the point of possible extinction. The text actually made the image more powerful and effective. It definitely carries the mark of UNICEF and further strengthens support for the cause. The primary goal of the advertisement is to introduce to the world the plight of Bluefin tuna, a species that is marginalized by people’s excessive emphasis on the survival of endangered animals on land, like the rhinoceros. The

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business Essay - 10

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business - Essay Example When A promises to sell a mobile phone to B for $100 and B promises to buy it from A, the plain giving of a return- promise is already an acceptance. A Bilateral contract differs from the unilateral contract wherein the former is formed upon completed performance Related to bilateral contract is Quasi contract that is not actually a contract, but is applied by courts to unfinished business of bilateral contracts. It is an unbiased system used by the court to: â€Å"avoid unfairness by allowing the plaintiff A to sue to recover the value of the benefit he gave to the other party B.. To compensate for such unfairness, the law implies a promise by B to pay the reasonable value of the benefit which has been conferred on him by the A.†(Stevens, John, 2014) In order to take advantage of the quasi-contract system, plaintiff must show evidence that A actually rendered or expended property that benefitted the B and to allow B to retain the benefits without paying A is unfair. Unilateral contract is not commonly used. In this kind of contract, only one person is obligated to do something. A reward contract is a case in point wherein a person offers a reward to pay a sum of money in exchange for information for the return of something. In this case, the person who received the reward is not obligated to do something. Applying the quasi-contract theory on unilateral contracts, let us look at this situation wherein a doctor rendered medical help to an injured person in an emergency case. Under the quasi-contract theory, the court will imply a promise that the injured person will pay for the value of the medical treatment received.. Implied contracts. There are situations that the terms in the contract are implied and are done as a sign of goodwill. For instance, warranty on the workability, adaptability of the product are illustrations of implied

Monday, August 26, 2019

Levels of Inflation in Brazil Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Levels of Inflation in Brazil - Research Paper Example This paper presents brief analysis of historical data of the inflation rates in Brazil. From the research it is clear, that the rate of inflation, prevailing in the Brazilian economy is high, as compared to other developed economies in the world. The reported rate of inflation in Brazil was 5.1 percent in April 2012. The reported rates of inflation in the US, UK and China were 2.3%, 3.47%, and 3.45% respectively. All these rates of inflation are lower than that of Brazil. The economic conditions in the South American countries are not as good as compared to other developed countries. However, the economy of Brazil has been growing at a rapid pace and it is becoming one of the well developed economies in the world. Brazil is the largest economy in South America and it has been growing at phenomenal rates in the recent past. With the rapid economic expansion, certain challenges are bound to be faced and one of such challenges is the high rate of inflation. Inflation refers to the rise in prices when compared to a specified level of purchasing power. The historical data of the inflation rates in Brazil suggests that the inflation rates in the Brazilian economy have not followed a constant trend and there have been numerous fluctuations in the inflation rates. In the set of analyzed data, its highest rate of inflation can be observed in the year 2005 which is 8.07% and in the immediately next year, the inflation rate fell to 4.63% which is a significant fall. The rate of inflation has showed a near constant behavior.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Marketing Mix (4 P's) on Mercedes When Entering The China Market Essay

The Marketing Mix (4 P's) on Mercedes When Entering The China Market - Essay Example China is a member of the prestigious BRCIS organization which represents the five biggest emerging economies across the world. The purpose of this paper is to describe the marketing mix of the company with an emphasis on its social corporate responsibility efforts. The four Ps of the marketing mix are place, product, price, and promotion. The place the firm is evaluating for further product distribution is China. China is one of the best economic success stories of the past few decades. Its economy has been growing at an approximate rate of 9% during the past 30 years. The current gross domestic product per capita of China is $7,600 (CultureGrams, 2011). The People’s Republic of China is the most populated country in the world with an estimated population of 1.3 billion inhabitants. There is a fast growing middle class in China due to the rising economy of the country, especially in the larger mega industrialized cities such Beijing and Shanghai as well as up and coming cities where major manufacturing centers are located or are being developed. China is the world’s top exporter of goods and the Chinese economy continues to grow exponentially since it has become the hub of manufacturing in the world due to their low wages, lower material costs, an abundance of highly educated professionals, fully developed infrastructure in all the major industrialized cities, favorable governmental foreign investment policies, and lax environmental laws (Mudwig). The country is an excellent location to establish a manufacturing location due to the before mentioned factors, as well as having one of the strongest emerging economies and a fast growing middle class. The heavy industrialization of China led to growing concerns regarding pollution. The Chinese people, like many global citizens are starting to educate themselves more about the importance of safeguarding the environment and how their level of industrial growth has caused China to become one of the most p olluted countries in the world, with 20 of 30 most polluted cities in the world (Worldbank). Mercedes Benz has been importing its luxury vehicles in North-East Asia region since 1986. The Mercedes Benz brand has been building some of its vehicles in China since 2006 through Beijing Benz, a joint venture between Daimler Chrysler and Beiki who is the fifth largest automaker in China. Although Mercedes Benz sales of its luxury vehicles have grown tremendously during the last few years, with sales for 2011 exceeding the sales figures of 2010 within the first 10 months, by September 2011 sales have started to slow down compared with previous year sales (4-traders, 2011).The company is concerned that the level of sales growth that the company has achieved so far is starting to get affected by the global economic downturn. The Chinese economy is starting to feel the effect of decreased global demand for exported goods. The products that Mercedes Benz have been distributing and manufacturin g in China have been mainly its E-Class and C-Class models of its luxury auto line. Currently both the long wheelbase C and E-class luxury automobiles are built in the Beijing Benz plant through a joint venture. Mercedes Benz vehicles are highly regarded in the Chinese market and with one of the fastest growing middle classes in the world the company has enjoyed great sales growth for the last 5 years. Due to a faltering economy the company’

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Contract law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Contract law - Case Study Example Sunburst deliberately breached the agreed full specification to make extra profit by selling the plaintiff’s wood to a different client. 2. The case is exceptional and normal remedy is inadequate in compensating the breach of contract and thus an order on the defendant to account for all profits. Sunburst had harmed the plaintiff by leading to the loss of amenity and making a profit of 6000. The sale of the mahogany to a different client in the pursuit of greater profits was a breach of the contract. The court should ensure that the defendant does not benefit from the breach of contract by disgorging the profits to the plaintiff. The remedy of 1000 is not enough as remedy to the plaintiff as they will suffer the loss of amenity and the value of their preferred type of mahogany. 3. The case should ignore the general rule of duty to mitigate loss which is applicable to the claim of damages as in the case of White & Carter (Councils) Ltd v McGregor  [1961]. Hasting should not be obliged to accept the breach of contract and should be compensated in full the value of the initial mahogany to be used  £30000  or get a replacement of the mahogany used as opposed to the  £1000  damages. Sunburst harmed the plaintiff by leading to the loss of amenity and making a profit of 6000. The sale of the mahogany to a different client in the pursuit of greater profits was a breach of the contract. The court should ensure that the defendant does not benefit from the breach of contract by disgorging the profits to the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Bones a book by Fae Myenne Ng Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bones a book by Fae Myenne Ng - Essay Example It tells the story of the American dream seen from the perspective of a Chinese girl. As the focal point encircles around the question whether Leila is a reliable narrator or not it becomes important to understand the true meaning of reliability in literature. In literature a 'reliable narrator' is a character who presents the characterization in a manner that could be identified with. However, a 'reliable narrator' must always stick to historical facts and there should never be factual errors in that aspect. Characters can be made up but the background of the time and society should never be tampered. Leila is reliable in that context and definitely a 'reliable narrator'. Leila narrates her life with her family and about her surroundings along with a believable description of the socio cultural pressure of being successful within the parameters of the society with wider perspectives of American livelihood. The novel starts with the sentence mentioning that "we were a family of three girls. By Chinese standards, that wasn't lucky. In Chinatown, everyone knew our story. Outsiders jerked their chins, looked at us, shook their heads. We heard things." (Ng, 1) This can be enumerated as a definite example that depicts the socio cultural aspects of the Chinese born population where the society is dominated by the male heirs of the family.

Is the concept of transnational identity a threat to Iranian national Essay

Is the concept of transnational identity a threat to Iranian national identity and the development of International Cooperation - Essay Example This project examines the relationship between global culture and how Iran constructs the global identity on a transworld reference in the modern society. More schools of thought have put more emphasis on the Iranian multi-identity including religious, national and modern ones. It has been said that Iranian identity is divided above social and cultural events and challenges. The Iranian identity has been constructed by the global culture, mass media and global economy, but there are diversities between development and disorientation of Iranian identity over time. Various events have transformed Iran over time; right from the Safavieh dynasty and the Islamic republic of Iran are two separate historical accounts with divergent variations. Appadurai, A. (1996). Table of Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Table of Contents 3 Globalization 3 Definition of Identity 4 The Literature on Iranian Identity 7 The Iranians and Diaspora 9 Children of the Revolution 11 Transnational Identity 13 The Network of Iranian Professionals of Orange County 14 Imagining Culture, Imagining Home 16 After September 11 17 Conclusion 19 References: 21 Globalization Contemporary thought of thinking has been spreading on a global scale from the late 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The period after the WWII has been so crucial in the whole of humanity, since it's this period that has been viewed as the genesis to the application of the philosophy of modernization which ideally constructed economic, political, cultural, social and geographical consolidation around the globe. This has been made possible with the advent of computers and the internet infrastructures making the 21st century a century of globalization, supraterritoriality or transworld...According to research it has been construed that persons get to know each other through identities. Persons and groups depict themselves in such a way as to retain a positive sel-evaluation in comparison with other groups. Morgan, P. M. (1999). Structural functionalists believe that a change in underlying social or psychological conditions leads to change in identity. Identity, transforms pr ogressively whilst society develops from conventional to industrial and modern arrangements. Through this process national identity changes to a more general and diverted one. The transformations are exhibited across the entire societies where changes communal identity is prevalent. Taykeyh, R. (2006). In regard to symbolic interactionists identity connotes a reflection of what someone is, through others; this is basically a dynamic identity factor of a person’s comprehension of oneself and others. Identity is a product of agreement and disagreement. Without a framework of personal or collective identity, people will be similar and the idea of uniqueness won’t crop up. The above distinct notions pay a close attention to the relationship flanked by individuals and collective identity. Scholars such as Mead (1934) and Goffman (1956) established about the self and its role in different social conditions. From this perspective identity evolved and changes through the time and in space; in a renewal cycle.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Elementary School Conduct Essay Example for Free

Elementary School Conduct Essay Keeping in mind the fact that the beginning years of a child’s academic education build the foundation of his future life, this school holds certain policies, which aim to provide an effective learning climate where students are trained to develop social skills and gain responsibility. This paper outlines those policies as well as presents a number of academic and behavioral standards that should be maintained by the school members at all times. Academic Standards The academic syllabus of our school stresses on three chief study courses: †¢ Skill development of different forms of communication, which include comprehensive reading and listening, good legible handwriting, and speaking power. †¢ Providing an appropriate understanding of the use of numbers and the significance of basic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) in our daily lives. †¢ Development of relationship building skills, which give the students a chance to interact with people outside their home and expand their social circle. Moreover, as these students are new to the academic world, our school makes it mandatory to construct such a syllabus that widens their conception of the world they live in. In view of this notion, students from Grade-1 to Grade-6 are taught about love at home, neighbor and classmate relationships, relationship between one’s own society and the others, the state and country they live in, and lastly, information about the rest of the world, respectively. In addition, character building and teamwork is encouraged throughout the elementary level. (McCarthy, 1990) Behavioral Standards In order to create a disciplined and comfortable learning environment for the students, our school requires all school members to appreciate and conform to the following rules and regulations regarding their conduct at the facility: †¢ Honor the attributes and integrity of themselves and other people present at the school. †¢ Hold a fair attitude to everyone at school avoiding any form of discrimination whether it is racial, cultural, gendered, ethnic, etc. †¢ Communicate in a decent fashion avoiding any form of profanity or obscene gestures. †¢ Avoid an attitude that is hurtful, discriminatory or unacceptable in any other form, to anyone at school. †¢ Everyone should be dressed in compliance with the dressing code of the school. †¢ Commodities belonging to the school or any other person should be dealt with proper care. †¢ Appreciate the different tasks assigned to the various employees working at the school. †¢ Avoid carrying any form of harmful instruments inside the school building. †¢ Avoid consumption of any substance that could cause to lose your actual demeanor. Members of the school failing to comply with the above rules will have to face consequences in accordance with intensity and frequency of their offences. (Student Services Division, 2001) Professional Relationships The teachers at our school are trained to cooperate and work jointly with the parents in order to augment the learning abilities of students both at school and home. Moreover, our school works conjointly with various professionals and organizations to build a healthier learning climate for the students. Roles Responsibilities Students: †¢ Should avail every chance to learn offered to them, and study to the best of their abilities. †¢ Should come to school regularly and attend all classes, reporting any reason for an absence. †¢ Should understand and follow all the rules, and face the consequences of any misconduct. †¢ Should handle school or any other individual’s property with appropriate care. †¢ Should participate in creating a secure and suitable learning climate for the pupils. Parents: †¢ Should extend any hand required to expand their children’s learning abilities. †¢ Should encourage their students to comply with all the rules and standards of the school. †¢ Should have regular meetings with the teachers on their child’s overall progress. †¢ Should make sure that their children are well fed and physically fit for school. †¢ Should cooperate with the teachers in providing their children with quality education. Teachers: †¢ Should provide a keen knowledge and understanding of the syllabus assigned to them. †¢ Should use techniques that provide a quicker and better understanding of the subject. †¢ Should compare the results and use the more influential teaching method. †¢ Should devise various plans and strategies for students that require special attention. †¢ Should discuss with students their academic progress, and give advice for its enhancement. †¢ Should take every action necessary to maintain a healthy and disciplined working climate. †¢ Should make an effort to create respect, in the minds of the students for any race, minority, religion or country found anywhere in the world.†¢ Should maintain a healthy classroom at all times (Student Services Division, 2001) Works Cited 1. McCarthy, William G. (1990). Elementary School. In The World Book Encyclopedia (Vol. 6, pp. 223). Chicago: World Book, Inc. 2. School Code of Conduct. (2001). Student Services Division. Retrieved July 27, 2008, from Nova Scotia Department of Education. Website: http://www. ednet. ns. ca/pdfdocs/studentsvcs/code_of_conduct/conduct. pdf

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Direct Manipulation Principles

Direct Manipulation Principles PART 1 DIRECT MANIPULATION PRINCIPLES Three Major Principles of Direct Manipulation Process based on selection, interrupted and visible performance of object Process based on selection is immediately displayed, which works fast, incremental and two sided actions Process based on selection using pointing action instead of typed commands (No Syntax) Advantages of Direct Manipulation Beginners learn Quickly Seldom users can remember concepts Getting error messages are not often Users finds their actions are promoting their goals User friendly Potential Problems of Direct Manipulation Visual representation can be too detail High-level flowchart database schema can become confusing Design may mislead to their goals User must know the meaning of images which is displayed Typing commands or using short keys with the keyboard may be faster PART 2 MULTI-TOUCH INTERACTION Two Hardware Technologies which detect multi-finger action Microsoft Surface and Microsoft Touch wall are some of the two hardware technologies which detect multi-finger action. MICROSOFT SURFACE MICROSOFT TOUCH WALL Microsoft Surface Mechanism: Microsoft Surface has a rugged table top structure, with powerful processors and intuitive interface, which is versatile and horizontal viewing. Microsoft Surface is multi-touch computer which grabs digital substance with your hands and move with simple touches instead of using mouse and keyboard Microsoft Surface use camera and image recognition in a infrared spectrum to detect with sense of objects such as fingers, tagged items shapes The input is then processed by computer and the sequent interaction is displayed using rear projection Microsoft Surface is based on Windows Vista SP1 operating system and it has 30 inch XGA DLP projector with maximum resolution, pressure load. Pros: It makes convenient work space and easy to use It is used in hotel to speed up the self check ins It is used in restaurants to order and pay from their tables Cons: It is very expensive People are more dependent on technology Microsoft Touch Wall Mechanism: Touch Wall is built on plex technology Plex provides touch wall with fresh and fleshed out ways to prepare a natural interface Touch wall is large organization exhibit prototype and undergo collaborative work Touch wall uses a laser touch technique which observes infrared laser light speculating off the users fingers Touch wall explores a different hardware configuration and multi-touch interaction models Pros: Touch wall is very intuitive Easy to use Save Space It is faster pointing devices Cons: It is very expensive Size of the device is very large and difficult to transfer from one place to another place. General Advantage of multi-touch Interaction Multi-touch grabs digital substance with hands and more with simple touch It is more flexible to learn understand User can rotate and zoom the window It supports the interaction between different users. Users can switch between different task spontaneously Instead of making devices with different button, soft machines just draw a picture of the devices Potential problems of using multi-touch Interaction It is very expensive Size is very big It requires two hands to operate On large displays many objects are out of focus Very object of the user is manipulating It has reflective display but it is not usable in bright sunlights PART 3 SURVEY Multi-touch Interaction Supported in the user interface of iPhone iPhone is described of Internet and multimedia enable smartphones designed by Apple Inc. Most of the users have satisfaction on using the iphone and users increases the usage of email data function By surveying the iphone users, they have previous apple experience and they are technically sophisticated, most of the iphone users are students and age under 30 years. In mobile industry iPhone increases service billing of about 24% because it displacing the notebook computers. Apple iphone increases some new application with the help of surveying by the iphone users The iPhone users has moderate capable problems who strongly agreed of 24%, Mildly agreed of 38%, Mildly disagreed of 28%, Strongly disagreed of 10% iPhone runs an operating system known as iPhone OS The operating system of iPhone run the software which is approved by the signature of Apple It has 16 GB 32GB flash drive, 3 mega pixel auto focus It has Accelerometer sensors, proximity sensor and Ambient light sensor ATT EDGE network speed is very low. The 66% of iPhone users says it is best, which is followed by 45% of touch screen interface, easy to use 22 % and size of screen 16% Users like iphone because it come with great application like email GPS MMS etc Using iPhone in business is to speed up the day, like quick call, calendar, web browsing, strong contacts and smart features like GPS maps , weather report etc iPhone helps the users to cook because it has Apps of the cooks iPhone also have great application like Apps for keeping current news, Apps for outdoors, Apps for music, Apps for work, Apps for students, Apps for business, Apps of going out and finding places to eat, Apps for Games and fun Wi-Fi networks rarely have an issues like unable to connect near by Wi-Fi networks, giving every low signals and also sometimes unable to connect the internet It cannot turn off the iPhone and unable to load data from the sync service iPhone cannot be unlocked formally because the lock and unlock authority is maintained by the Apple servers. Using both Multi-touch Interaction and Direct Manipulation Methods In Apple iPhone the both Direct Manipulation and Multi-touch Interaction are used by Multi-finger cursor techniques. Direct touch interaction is appealing because they can play a role of both selection and manipulation. Discussion Pros iPhone users are very satisfied iPhone increase mobile browsing Cons It supports SIM that has been activated for that specific mobile phone It Cant upgrade the phone memory iPhone battery cannot be changed and the fact that it is sealed Limitation Drawbacks It is very hard to write in iphone because every time when we enter comma or any punctuation it is very difficult Suggestions

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Examples of Good Globalization

Examples of Good Globalization When attempting to come up with a good example of globalisation, the first things that come to mind are McDonalds and children from third world countries wearing USA t-shirts. Anthony Giddens mentions in his book Runaway World how a friend of his was doing field studies in a village in central Africa. She was invited to a local home to enjoy an evening she thought would be culturally informing; however, the families entertainment turned out to be a viewing of the American movie Basic Instinct, and the movie hadnt even been released in London yet (Giddens 2002). This is merely one of many examples that go to show how the world we live in is undergoing a drastic transformation that is impossible for anyone to ignore. Whether it is noticeable or not, globalisation is affecting every person on earth, in every aspect of our lives and in everything we do. Most skeptics and radicals look at the economic side of globalisation and toss the other aspects of globalisation to the side. Globalisation is technological, political, and cultural, just as much as it is economic. It is modifying and influencing, but not destroying, cultural identities across the globe. No matter what country comes to mind, almost all have a word in their own native language for globalisation. This global trend is impossible to miss, from curry and chips-recently voted the favourite dish in Britain-to Thai saunas, Zen Catholicism or Judaism, Nigerian Kung Fu, or Bollywood films, made in Bombay-Mumbai and mixing Indian traditions of song and dance with the conventions of Hollywood (Burke 2009). This is not to say that we are undergoing global hybridisation or falling to transnationalisation, but rather, that the cultural blending happening all around the globe is helping us gain knowledge of the world through the many means of communication out there. Also, globalisation is not diminishing cultural identities, but rather, it is heightening an individual cultures sense of self. Many believe a World Order is indeed falling upon us, some being for it and some against, but if we were to undergo the transition to a single World/Government Order, we would lose all sense of culture identities and individualism. If we had a global state, what would prevent the leaders of this new order from dictating a world of secularization? Who would want to be forced to be in a World Order where everything is dictated and all are forced to more or less become a puppet to one world government? Whether it is seen as a World Order, a global society, or a world system, its presence is unnecessary in todays world. Emile Durkheim, a sociologist not opposed to World Order and solidarity, states that, any society is motivated by its need to normatize the event of its togetherness by constructing and adhering to common symbols, beliefs, and practices. Those common symbols, beliefs, and practices do not exist, therefore, simply for the sake of their intrinsic value, truth, or logic. In other words, they have no intrinsic essence (Bamyeh 2000). In saying that the societies and cultures in todays world lack intrinsic essence in their beliefs, traditions, and practices, Durkheim is underlying that these societies have no innate feelings for their own cultural identities, and that these identities have been formed out of the necessity to bring people together to form a society. If Durkheim were to simply take into account all the religious and cultural turmoil going on, she would see that a cultures beliefs, symbols, and practices do hold intrinsic essence to the people within. A largely discussed topic pertaining to globalisation revolves around Benjamin Barbers thesis, distinguishing the differences between the forces of McWorld and Jihad. These are two general attitudes in regards to globalisation. McWorld represents global mass culture and the unification by consumerism and transnationalism. Jihad, on the other hand, represents the deterioration of local traditions and histories due to globalisation (Cowen 2002). My idea of how globalisation is shaping the world and cultural identities is a mix of the two. Yes, mass cultural communication is unifying the world is every aspect of our lives, but it is not deteriorating local traditions and histories, nor are the worlds cultures subject to transnationalisation. Globalisation is, if anything, allowing individual cultures to expand their knowledge of other cultures and allowing them to use and share products, ideas, and customs of other cultures in unison with their own cultures. The blending of nations and cultures is going on as we speak. It is at our fingertips every day with global communications and the Internet. These forms of communication due to globalisation are how we can be enriched by other cultures and share what we have to offer, but the main difference is our choice to choose what we want to study, admire and aspire to be more like or what cultures we want to melt into our own. Without falling to the grips of a single World Order or system, and without cultures falling to transnationalism, it is possible for globalisation to continue throughout the world, as we know it. As Bamyeh (2000) proposes, the process of globalisation is beginning to create a common knowledge system, which is being communicated across the entire globe. This common knowledge system is being communicated by means of: international media, through films and music; mass travel, through students studying abroad and backpackers trekking across nations; and the Internet, through Facebook, blogs and chats, and international News websites. All of these forms of communication have aided in the widespread knowledge of the worlds cultures, making way for the adoption of international influences on a freedom-of-choice level (McQuail 2002). Communication is what enhances feelings of togetherness in societies and cultures. It is what essentially started the formation of societies and individual cultural profiles. With the improvement of technological communication over the past few decades, communities that have been isolated from each other have been able to exchange cultural elements of interest between one another (for example, the Basic Instinct movie in the central African village mentioned in the introduction) (Bamyeh 2000). When looking at the overall effects the mass media has had on globalisation, the Western nations control most of the symbolic and cultural aspects of cross-cultural communications through their media products. Though foreign troops may not be deployed, and a foreign government established, the presence of the empire is felt in the everyday presence of Western media products (Macgregor Wise 2008). In this sense, Macgregor Wise is almost saying that the globalisation of Americas media is giving all other countries defensive feelings towards America, and that it poses as a major cultural threat. However, when looking at world music, literature, and visual arts, it is clearly apparent that cultures have benefited from these communal aspects of globalisation, and that America is clearly not a global threat to cultures. These means of mass media have provided a diverse menu of choice for cultures in developing their own cultural identities (Cowen 2002). In developing or maintaining cultura l identities during the processes of globalisation, countries have developed their own unique ways in staying true to their individual identities. This goes to show that the beliefs and practices a culture maintains do indeed have intrinsic essence, as stated earlier, and that a culture can maintain its identity while also absorbing what it freely chooses from other cultures. The worlds wide variety of media products and how countries incorporate them into their own culture is a perfect example of cultures absorbing other cultures while maintaining their own. Canada, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, name the country, and they probably import Western media. Many believe that all the importation from the Wests media markets is leading to Americanisation, but when taking a closer look, it is apparent that these importing cultures put just as much if not more emphasis on their own markets than they do the Western markets. Canada, for instance, subsidizes their own domestic cinema and mandates domestic musical content for a percentage of radio time. Likewise, the French spend billions of dollars a year on cultural matters, aiding in the nourishing and successes of their French culture (Cowen 2002). The fear of Hollywood devouring the markets of other countries is being countered innately by the individual countries themselves. Granted, many of the movies played in international cinemas, in France and Italy for instance, are Hollywood films. The main cultural aspect behind this is that the movies are translated into the countries own native language. This is proof that countries can uphold their own cultural aspects while absorbing those of others. When discussing movies with an Italian and a French friend, we found ourselves talking about the movie titles. The movie Home Alone (1990) to Italians is called Mamma Ho Perso Laereo (which translates to Mom I Missed My Flight). The movie A Man For All Seasons (1967) in France is called Un Homme Pour Là ©ternità ©, which translates to a man for eternity. These small changes to Western media products are only a few examples as to how countries can still maintain a cultural identity. Just because the Western culture is widely disperse d throughout the world does not mean countries are falling to Americanisation, let alone Globalisation. There are always steps being taken by countries and cultures in maintaining their own identity. Many critics of the globalisation ideology refute with the fact that many cultures in the world today have already fallen to the processes of globalisation, namely homogenisation. American Indian communities, for example, have been overshadowed by the entirety of the United States, and these contemporary critics believe these communities are on the verge of homogenization (Lewellen 2002). However, as Cowen stated it best, once these individuals [e.g. the American Indian communities] have been brought into a common pool with well-developed means of communication, however, they sort themselves into more finely grained and more diverse groups (Cowen 2002). With an outlook like this, one can see that, even with the effects of globalisation, communities still find ways to diversify themselves from other closely sectored communities. If a culture is amongst the grips of globalisation, the effects are counter-acted by popular press, interest groups, and social movements who devout great dea ls of attention to these cultural dilemmas. It is the threat of the loss of traditional identities that trigger cultures to look inwards at their own identities. This healthy narcissism that results from the fear of globalisation is what keeps cultural identities alive in the world we live in today (Burke 2009). When cultures begin to look inwards is when they begin to value greatly the differences between their own cultural identities and those of others. A culture thought to be on the brink of distinction isnt on the brink at all. The attention drawn to a troubled culture allows that culture to prevail, and in the process the knowledge and traditions of that troubled culture become known to the public. The world would know very little about, for example, American Indians, or dying languages such as Welsh, Basque, and Yiddish, if it wasnt for the troubles these heritages faced (Cowen 2000). Globalisation isnt simply Black and White, McWorld and Jihad, homogenization or heterogenisation. There is and always will be an in-between area, which is where the world is at now and where I feel it best belongs. With the process of globalisation, there will always be the countering effect. By resting in the middle, through mass communication, people have been able to gain knowledge of other cultures they would have never dreamed of knowing about. The diverse cuisine menus, musical genres, film categories, and traveling opportunities have all made way for the world to gain knowledge of different cultural traditions. The world, as we know it, thrives off of the cultures that cherish and preserve their cultural identities. A world culture which is simply a uniform culture would be no culture at all. We should have a humanity de-humanised. It would be a nightmare (Murali 2010). Why would the world fall completely to globalisation or a World Order when what it thrives on would simply b e destroyed in the process? The absorption of cultural knowledge and traditions through the wide variety of mass communication available to us today truly heightens a cultures sense of self, innately countering globalisation and allowing cultures to continually prevail.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Nature of Perceived Ultimacy in Zen Buddhism Essay -- Philosophy

This paper will explore the question of how to understand the nature of perceived ultimacy in Zen Buddhism. This will be achieved through providing a justification for why this question should be of any interest and then hypothesizing about possible implications of the results. Next, the framework that is to be used in categorizing the core beliefs in Zen will be explained and made clear. After this description is complete the author will proceed to fit Zen Buddhism into this framework and will demonstrate that the Zen religion is no exception to the employed framework. Finally the author will describe the perceived ultimacy of Zen Buddhism. The topic of Zen Buddhism and understanding how it fits into a framework that was designed to describe and compare religions is important because religion has a major impact on the world and to be able to understand and â€Å"explore† what the world has to offer is an important aspect of existence as a human being. Some might wonder why Zen Buddhism is important when it is not a major religion in the United States, but perhaps that is the very reason it is so important to understand Zen Buddhism and to be able to describe it in a way that allows one to make comparisons with more familiar religions in a standardized framework. Zen Buddhism in particular is interesting in the setting of the United States because as Americans we have had little experience with Buddhism. Shunryu Suzuki related in the book Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, that Americans start Buddhism with a very pure mind, a beginners mind, which allows us to understand the Buddha’s teaching as he meant them to be understood (138). Suzuki also states in the book that because of this, hopefully, young Americans have the chance to fi... ...if he and the world were just created from nothingness (Suzuki 67), this too is a change in how humans normally experience the world. Wherever Zen Buddhism fits in exactly between secular and spiritual is hard to tell, and like Suzuki said perhaps Zen is a religion before religion and the appreciation of our original nature as strange as it might sound to us is even described as â€Å"unusual† to Suzuki himself (124). It is clear however that Zen fits into Young’s framework and perhaps with a beginner’s mind one can make use of this and find for themselves the answers to at least part of the questions about their own life. Bibliography Suzuki, Shunryu. Zen Mind, Beginners Mind. New York & Tokyo: Weatherhill, 1982. Young, William A. The World’s Religions Worldviews and Contemporary Issues. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 1995.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cause of Eating Disorders Essay -- essays papers

Cause of Eating Disorders In America, today we often hear of people who suffer from illness such as cancer, aids etc. what we often don’t hear about is the illness that effects a lot of people each year that being eating disorders. Whenever I hear about eating disorders it remains me of one of my cousin who had suffered from anorexia. It all started when her family and acquaintances started to say that she was fat and chubby. In her family everyone is very slim and tall so her brothers started teasing and calling her fatty and used to say that she need to loose weight otherwise nobody will marry her or even wants to be with her. She used to worry so much about her weight and wanted to loose weight. The only way she found for loosing weight was stop eating. She starved herself and lost couple of pounds. She was happy with the result and had great determination of loosing weight. Nobody noticed anything wrong until one day she was completely dehydrated and fainted at school. She was hospitalize d for almost a week. But she got all the help and support that she needed from her Doctors, family and got better. Eating disorders have become serious issues in the past 25 years. Many people have been diagnosed with eating disorders. More teens out of any other age groups suffer from it. Sports, body image, peer pressure and low self-esteem can cause teens to be driven to eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia are the two main types of eating disorders. Anorexia is the self-starving behavior that can lead to severe health problems an even death. Bulimia is when a binge/ purge cycle is used or laxatives are used at an excessive amount. Anorexia and Bulimia affect persons thoughts and feelings as well as his or her body. ... ...happy with any thing they do. Being over weight is hard to cope with in this day and age. Many teens get very depressed when they are over weight because people tease them they cannot fit in with the crowd. Sometimes even if a teenager is not overweight, they feel they must maintain their body size, so they can look like models. It is unfortunate, but in today’s society, people have forgotten that it is what inside a person that counts, not what’s on the outside. In conclusion, we need to start loving and accepting each other for who we are, and not what we look like. We need to teach our children to be proud of whom they are. Parent’s needs to also teach our children the value of healthy leaving and not send the message that being thin is important. Family and peers need to support people with weight problems and not make them feel guilty about how they look.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Insulin Resistance In Diabetics Health And Social Care Essay

Correlation of Insulin Resistance in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus utilizing Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance ( HOMA-IR ) with organic structure mass index ( BMI ) and Waist-Hip ratio ( WHR ) . Diabetess type 2 is a chronic upset characterized by variable grades of insulin opposition, impaired insulin secernment, and increased glucose production. It consequences from a combination of distinguishable familial and metabolic defects in insulin action and/or secretion.1, 2 Insulin opposition is the reduced ability of insulin to move efficaciously on mark tissues and is a outstanding characteristic of type 2 DM.3-6 It besides consequences from a combination of familial susceptibleness and fleshiness, and has a positive correlativity with organic structure bole fat, ( BMI ) , organic structure fat mass ( kilogram ) , and organic structure fat percentage.4, 6-16 Intra-abdominal fat terminals and lessening in femoral fat are besides independent lending factors for insulin resistance.14 Higher degrees of go arounding insulin will nevertheless normalise the plasma glucose, therefore insulin opposition slightly comparative. The most common type of insulin opposition is associated with corpulence and obesity.8 A fasting serum insulin degree of greater than the upper bound of normal for the check used is considered grounds of insulin opposition. However the gilded criterion for look intoing and quantifying insulin opposition is the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clinch method. But due to the complicated nature of this technique ( and the possible dangers of hypoglycaemia in some patients ) , options have been sought to simplify the measuring of insulin opposition. The first was the Homeostasis Model Assessment ( HOMA-IR ) . Fasting insulin and glucose degrees are used in both to cipher insulin opposition, and both correlative moderately with the consequences of clamping studies.17-19 HOMA-IR is a utile method to find insulin opposition in epidemiological studies.17, 19, 20 Similarly, beta cell map can be assessed by the Homeostasis Model Assessment Beta ( HOMA-? ) .19 Several surveies have shown correlativity of IR with WC and WHR and these patients are at hazard for developing complications like indispensable high blood pressure, type 2 Diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.8 Each addition of 15 centimeter in the WC is associated with an addition of the hazard hyperglycaemia and IR ( 65 % and 123 % , severally ) . The cut-off points that better discriminated work forces and adult females, with and without IR, were 105 and 91 centimeter, with a sensitiveness of 62 % ( 95 % assurance interval [ CI ] , 46-77 % ) and 71 % ( 95 % CI, 54-85 % ) , and a specificity of 72 % ( 95 % CI, 66-78 % ) and 68 ( 95 % CI, 63-73 % ) , respectively.21 Prevalence of corpulence and fleshiness is high in type2 diabetes. This has been reported at 10.4 % and 79.4 % respectively.22 One survey demonstrated high prevalence of insulin opposition and impaired glucose tolerance associated with organic structure bole fat, among corpulent non-diabetic striplings. Insulin opposition was positively correlated with organic structure bole fat ( R = 0.457 ; P = 0.001 ) , BMI ( r = 0.417 ; P = 0.003 ) , organic structure fat mass ( kilogram ) ( r = 0.386 ; P = 0.006 ) and organic structure fat per centum ( R = 0.285 ; P = 0.047 ) . Furthermore, there was a negative correlativity between HOMA-IR and thin organic structure mass.7 The principle of this survey is that non much research work has been done on insulin opposition in Pakistan, and maintaining in head the part of insulin opposition to the development of complications, it is indispensable to find its prevalence which will enable us to step in at an early phase to forestall such complications. Besides with increasing figure of fleshy and corpulent patients and association of fleshiness with insulin opposition and development of complications, it is imperative to step in at an early phase and forestall the associated morbidity and mortality.AimTo find the correlativity of insulin opposition with organic structure mass index and waist hip ratio in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus.Operational DefinitionHomeostasis Model of Assessment of Insulin ResistanceBody Mass IndexBMI = Mass ( kilogram ) / ( Height ( metres ) ) 2Material and MethodStudy design: Cross-sectional Study. Puting: Medical Unit II, Civil Hospital Karachi. Duration of survey: Minimal six months after blessing of outline. Sample size: Using correlativity of BMI and insulin opposition of 0.417, presuming correlativity of insulin opposition and WHR of 0.28, assurance interval of 95 % and power of survey 90 % , the sample size is calculated as 100 topics. Sampling technique Non-probability back-to-back sampling. Sample choice Inclusion standards: All patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Exclusion standards Patients with ischaemic bosom disease, nephritic disfunction, liver disfunction, thyroid disfunction and morbific diseases. Patients on weight decrease planData Collection ProcedureEthical blessing from competent authorization will be sought. Patients will be enrolled after taking informed consent. Data collected at survey entry will include age, medical history, smoke and intoxicant imbibing wonts, and anthropometric indices including waist perimeter, hip perimeter, blood force per unit area, fasting plasma glucose and fasting insulin degree. Fasting blood samples will be obtained by cubital venipuncture and so shipped to a individual research lab for analysis. Plasma fasting glucose degrees will be measured enzymatically utilizing an automatic analyser. Fasting plasma insulin will be measured by radioimmunoassay. HOMA-IR and HOMA-? will be calculated utilizing a antecedently mentioned formula.10 Other blood chemical markers will besides be measured utilizing widely accepted methods. Measurements of anthropometric indices and blood force per unit area will be carried out by trained staff. Information on medical history will be obtained utilizing a self-administered questionnaire.Data Analysis ProcedureCollected informations will be entered in PASW Statistic version 18.0. Mean  ± SD will be calculated for uninterrupted variables like age, weight, tallness, BMI, waist hip ratio, fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR and HOMA-? . Correlation of HOMA-IR and HOMA-? with BMI and waist hip ratio will be studied utilizing the Pearson correlativity coefficient.

Ucla Econ 101 Final Spring 2011

1 Final Exam (VERSION 1): Econ 101 †¢ Please write your name at the top of every page of this mideterm †¢ Please write your name, TA’s name, and the time of your discussion section here Your Name: TA’s Name: Discussion Time: †¢ The exam has one parts: Written Questions. †¢ There should be 16 total pages (front and back). Quickly read through the exam before beginning. †¢ There are 100 total points available. Point values are listed next to each problem part. Please allocate your time accordingly 1 2 Written Questions 1. Consider the following payo? matrix Player L M T 2, 0 3, 1 Player 1 C 3, 4 1, 2 B 1, 3 0, 2 2 R 4,2 2,3 3,0 . (5pnts) Find the pure strategy Nash equilibria of the simultaneous game b. (5pnts) Now suppose the game is played sequentially. Find the subgame perfect equilibrium if player 1 goes ? rst and if player 2 goes ? rst. c. (5pnts) Discuss whether each of the players would want to go ? rst or second. d. (5pnts) Write down a sy stem of equations such that the solution to the system would give a completely mixed strategy equilibrium of this game (please clearly de? ne all of your notation). Can this system of equations be solved? (Hint: think about the condition requiring player 1 to play B with positive probability).Explain what the answer means. 2 WORK SPACE 3 WORK SPACE 4 2. Suppose Player 1 and Player 2 are playing a simultaneous move game with the following payo? matrix: Player 2 L R T 0, 4 ? , 3 Player 1 B 3, 3 4, 6 where ? ? 0 a. (5pnts) De? ne a dominant strategy equilibrium. Is there any value of ? for which there is a dominant strategy equilibrium. If so, ? nd the values of ?. If not, show why. b. (5pnts) Describe all the pure and mixed strategy equilibria of the game as a function of ? c. (5pnts) Suppose ? = 5. What would the outcome be if the players could cooperate? 5 WORK SPACE 6 WORK SPACE 7 3.Billy has just inherited a horse ranch from his uncle. The ranch is located in Oshkosh, WI and rents horses. A unique feature of the stable is the nearby riding trails that overlook Lake Winnebago. Billy has two types of potential customers: novice riders (N) and serious riders (S). The (per customer) demand for horse rides on the ranch is qS = 75 ? 1. 25PS , where qS is the number of hourlong rides a serious rider makes per year. The demand for novice riders is qN = 57 ? 1. 25PN . Assume there are 75 riders of each type in the town. Billy’s cost function is T C = 12q, where q is the total number of hours the horses are ridden per year. . (5pnts) Suppose Billy does not price discriminate. Find prices, quantities, and Billy’s pro? t. b. (5pnts) Suppose Billy can tell who’s a serious rider because of the types of hat they ware. Find the 3rd degree price discriminating prices, quantities and pro? ts. c. (5pnts) Suppose Billy is not able to tell the di? erence between the two types of rider. He decides to start charging a yearly membership fee, T , as well as an h ourly price, p. Find the optimal choices of T and p d. (5pnts) Suppose Billy IS able to tell the di? erence between the two types of but still thinks the 2-part tari? is a good idea.Find the annual fee and per hour price that Billy would charge to each group 8 WORK SPACE 9 WORK SPACE 10 4. (16pnts) Boeing and Airbus are the 2 ? rms that produce commercial aircraft. The demand for airplanes is given by: Q = 10 ? P . Boeing’s costs are given by T CB = cB qB and Airbus’ costs are given by: T CA = cA qA where cA , cB are constants. a. (5pnts) Find the Cournot quantities, prices and pro? ts. Find Stackelberg quantities, prices, and pro? ts assuming Boeing chooses output ? rst b. (5pnts) Suppose that right now cB = cA = 5. Boeing has access to a process innovation that will lower marginal costs from 5 to 0.How much would Boeing be willing to invest to implement the innovation. (Assume Cournot Competition from here on) c. (5pnts) Suppose that the innovation is such that Airbu s can (imperfectly) copy it, so if Boeing makes the investment Airbus’ costs fall to 2. How much is Boeing willing to pay now? d. (5pnts) If Airbus can perfectly copy the innovation, how much would Boeing be willing to pay? Why is Boeing willing to pay a positive amount? 11 WORK SPACE 12 WORK SPACE 13 5. There are two types of people in the world Sky Divers and Cat People. Both types have wealth W = 100 and utility functions U (W ) = ln(W ).Both types of people can have an accident that leads them to lose $50 of wealth. Sky Divers are riskier and have accidents 75% of the time, while Cat People have accidents only 25% of the time. The proportion of Sky Divers in the economy is pS and the proportion of Cat People is pC = 1 ? pS a. (5pnts) How much would each type be willing to pay for an insurance policy that fully reimbursed them in the event of an accident? b. (5pnts) Write down the equations that, if you solved them, would give the amount each type would be willing to pay f or insurance that covered half their losses? . (5pnts) What is the fair price of (full) insurance for each type (i. e. if an insurer knows which type he is dealing with)? What is the fair price if the insurer cannot distinguish the two types? d. (5pnts) Assume insurers cannot distinguish the two types and that insurance markets are competitive so prices are the fair prices. Describe prices and who is insured in equilibrium as a function of pS e. (5pnts) Discuss the meaning of adverse selection in the context of this example 14 WORK SPACE 15 WORK SPACE 16

Friday, August 16, 2019

Bless Me Ultima Def

Lopez 1 Tiffani Lopez Ms. Carlos Period 4 March 4, 2013 DEF Term: Pathos Definition: the quality or power in an actual life experience or in literature, music, speech, or other forms of expression, of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion. (http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/pathos? s=t) Example: In Chapter 6 of Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me Ultima, Anaya uses pathos, â€Å"For the first time I would be away from the protection of my mother (Anaya51). Function: The pathos used on the above example is significant because it explains the amount of love and attachment Antonio has towards his mother, Maria. Related article: Arguments Made in Take the Tortillas Out of Your PoetryIt shows how she big of an impact she is in his life. It also portrays the typical relationship between son and mother. In which, the mother is playing the protective, nurturing guardian. While her offspring –son (in this case) – is naive to the â€Å"real world. † In the text where it states that this would be the first time Antonio would be leaving his mother, can be compared to the baby bird leaving the nest. The character of Maria could relate to the nest and the baby bird to Antonio. The nest representing protection and security, and the baby bird represents fear and shyness. This Lopez 2Comparison foreshadows how naive and timid Antonio becomes in the absence of his mother at school. This pathos sets up a mood of compassion. The mood is compassion because Antonio’s fear and angst is understandable. The author is arguing that Antonio wants mature and become a man, but is fearful b ecause this is something completely new to him. The overall tone of this example of pathos is worried. The tone is this because you can sense Antonio’s worry for himself without his mother. The point of the pathos was to bring attention the importance of a maternal figure in Antonio’s life.The overall theme communicated by using this pathos is that life is a learning experience; learning something new, you learn scared. Plath’s point was to evoke concern whether Antonio will â€Å"survive† school. The pathos relates to the entire chapter 6 because throughout the chapter Antonio admits to wishing for his mother’s presence because he is lonely, but expected to become a man. Works Cited â€Å"Pathos. † Dictionary. com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 03 Mar. 2013. . Anaya, Rudolfo A. Bless Me, Ultima. New York: Warner Books, 1994. Print.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

PESTEL Analysis (Coca Cola Bottlers Philippines Inc.) Essay

Political Factors Political analysis examines the current and potential influences from political pressures. The non-alcoholic beverages falls in the category under the FDA and the government plays a role within the operation of manufacturing these products. In terms of regulations, the government has the power to set potential fines for the companies that did not meet their standard law requirement. The changes in laws and regulations, such as accounting standards, taxation requirements and environmental laws and foreign jurisdictions might affect the book of the company as well as their entry in foreign country. Other than that, the changes in the nature of business as non-alcoholic beverages can gain competitive product and pricing pressures and the ability to improve or maintain the share in sales in global market as a result of action by competitors. The political conditions of the country are also basis of the study, especially in internal markets and other governmental changes that affects thei r ability to penetrate the developing and emerging markets that involves the political and economic conditions. However, Coca Cola continuously monitoring the policies and regulations set by the government. Economic Factors Economic analysis examines the local, national and world economy impact which is also includes the issue of recession and inflation rates. The non-alcoholic beverage industry has high sales in countries outside the U.S. According to the Standard and Poor’s Industry surveys, â€Å"For major soft drink companies, there has been economic improvement in many major international markets, such as Japan, Brazil, and Germany.† These markets will continue to play a major role in the success and stable growth for a majority of the non-alcoholic beverage industry. Social Factors The changes in society affect the organization such as changing in lifestyles and attitudes of the market. Consumers from the ages of 37 to 55 are also increasingly concerned with nutrition. There is a large population of the  age range known as the baby boomers. Since many are reaching an older age in life they are becoming more concerned with increasing their longevity. This will continue to affect the non-alcoholic beverage industry by increasing the demand overall and in the healthier beverages. The demand for carbonated drinks decreases and this pulled down the revenues of Coca Cola. Technological Factors Technology is the main focus of the analysis where the introduction and the emerging technological techniques are valued. This creates opportunities for new products and product improvements in terms of marketing and production. As the technology advances, new products are introduced into the market. The advancement in technology has led to the creation of cherry coke in 1985 but consumers still prefers the traditional taste of the original coke. Environmental Factors Environmental analysis examines the local, national and world environmental issues. According to the data of the Coca Cola Company, all of the facilities are strictly monitored according to the environmental laws imposed by the government Legal Factors Legal aspect focuses on the effect of the national and world legislation. The Coca Cola Company receives all the rights applicable in the nature of their business and every inventions and product developments are always going into the patented process.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Emhart business

The possibility of the lock business of Emhart to succeed in line with the power tool and land home improvement of B & B is very slim in the international market place in as much as it is offering a new line of product. Different products take different approaches in the international market. Consequently, there in the need to map out another strategies for the marketing of the new lock and associated hard wares.In as much as Grunewald’s proposal for Emhart business tool is on a global out look, should be given all the necessary approach although not in the same marketing plan and strategy with B & D due to the fact that the products offer vary from one company’s brand name to another. The issue is that, the buyer in foreign markets should are aware of product’s quality and durability before they place orders. In as much as B & D has different product lines and brand names, it is not possible to sell Emhart product in those market proportionately.It will take tim e to penetrate the overseas markets. B & D has performed very well using the three key factors which include â€Å"strategies, managerial and operational activities† â€Å"Black & Decker operationalised its global approach to the identification and development of world products through a process of strategic managerial and operational activities (integrative cases page 655). Consequently, Grunewald should follow these three plans although not in the same approach but on a similar platform due to the fact that his line of products is different from that of B & D with a new brand name.The three plans (strategies, managerial and operational activities) was applied by B & D in the identification and development of world cleans products. So the words to note are, â€Å"identification† â€Å"development† and a â€Å"world clans products. So the first strategy to apply is the product â€Å"identification†. He has identified the â€Å"locks and lock sets† handled by Emhart corporation which he wanted to integrate to a world class company in the marketing of her land wares. The big question is, how he knew that the hard ware will be marketable in the overseas countries amidst stiff competition?.What strategies is he going to apply in order to determine the penetration of his line of product in those markets abroad?. The strategies to be carried out is the identification of a new product. In order words, his product is new in the foreign market. To begin, there is the need to carry out a market research on the products in order to find out the list of countries that have the highest import rate of kitchen hard waves, the exporting countries to those overseas countries on his research list. He must find out the prices they offer, quality, specifications delivery, etc.He must get this data first and based on these findings, he can map out his strategies. He has two options to take either to sets up a production until in those countries or exporting it directly. Although establishing a production unit is more economical in order to reduce cost of about 50% percent. He should also considered the individual government rules and regulation in those foreign countries as regards exports/import activities and in setting up production unit. In either ways he chooses, he should map out his strategies that will enable him complete with other foreign suppliers in those foreign countries.He should get samples of the products that are being supplied to those countries to see if he can make a change, modify, making it keeper than others etc. This is the most important aspect of his marketing strategy. He should do every thing possible to make his line of products more economically be attracted to customers in those countries. This is the first step he should do. He should also put into consideration using the â€Å"4 Ps† which include product, promotion, place and price. In marketing strategic, the product should be con sidered first and then the quality, in order to satisfy the buyer.As regards your place of businessm You should appoint sales representative / distributors in case of exporting to those countries. In the case of setting up production unit, its factory location within and industrial areas become very necessary as local distributors can easily carry his products and sell to whole seller and retailers; he should consider the price of the products and make it very competitive with other dealers both on export to those countries and from the production unit in those countries.There is also the need for its publicity. The products should be advertised both in the electronic media and in the printed media, to enable it penetrate the foreign markets. Also he must find out the bilateral relationship between those countries and his country. It may be that due to economic and political reason, his country is restricted to trade with either of the countries on the import list.He should also und erstand the culture of the people as B & D did and should study the political stability of that country and must ensure that, he insures his investment which should include both insurance from an issuance firm and re-insurance from government agency dealing in export for his national products. This service from the government will assist him a great deal in competing with other suppliers to those regions due to the fact that he could offer goods on credit to buyers and sell at a very competitive price under the government and insurance guaranteeSecure against currency inconvertibility and confiscation of assets by host government in case of setting up production unit abroad. In another development, he may set up the production unit on the export processing zone which can reduce cost unto 60% of the cost and product can be sold both locally and internationally (for exporting to third countries). These are some of the areas to be considered in penetrating the foreign markets as a reco mmendable strategy. The next step is the product development. The product should be developed based on the researched that has been carried out as stated above.It must fulfill all the condition necessary to enable it complete with other supplies â€Å"This stage is an evaluation of the product idea in term of its potential for enabling the company to take maximum advantage of its competitive strong point†¦. † (Don Weller: export product development of international trade center (ITCC) Geneva). The next is the product identification â€Å"world class product† like that of B & D. The very procedure outlined about relating product identification should as well be applicable in all foreign countries since, the culture, consuming pattern, prices varies from one country to another.If this is put into action, then, the product will be marketable in different parts of the world â€Å"Don† of ITC wrote â€Å" product differentiation means selling exactly the same p roduct in every market†. It could be the same hard wave from Emhart but specification, sizes, prices, colour etc, vary from one country to another in considering the above factor. In carrying out the market research, he should apply both desk and field research. â€Å"Desk research basically involves the collection of information from documentary sources published in unpublished†¦ â€Å"according to Don.Today the internet has become a major source for desk research as most library has gone online; information that can be obtained from desk research include, prices of the commodity, suppliers data, information about the political, terrif of those countries etc. The other is called â€Å"Field Research†. The field research should be carried out in the foreign country. In that case, a questionnaire is designed which is given to people in those countries most preferably, the dealers of the hard ware who already had experience in the market.The research will include q uestions that will be asked in order to find out the market position of the country in terms of prices, consuming pattern, quality, specification etc. Therefore, the product identification and development in order to suit the foreign market requirement is the key to Emhart’s success. The next is the managerial ability. The management team should include staff that are experienced in international trade operation. Those that can formulate policies and sound business ideas in caring out their operations Worley wrote â€Å"initiate the inquiring.This phase determines the subject and change. It emphasized member involvement to identify the organizational issue they have the most to address† (page 29). In as much as Emhart is focusing on global market, there is the need to replace old staff with new staff that have the skill in international operation. worley added â€Å"individual level design components† – Skill – varied, the range of activities and a bilities required task completion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In as much as the required staff are put into place, operation can begin based on the researched that had been concluded in foreign markets on those products.At this function, Gramuld, can follow up the procedures adopted by B & D by opening regional offices and sales representatives in different part of the word. B & D can provide training to the staff that had the relevant qualification and considerable experience. This is the transfer of the â€Å"know how† from B & D to Emhart in their international operations. Gruamud should as has well consult a consultants in international trade who can draw out plans to enable him operate efficiently.